
If you want to learn more about how reliable your measurements are, whether you are using the right measurement method and how to interpret measurement results, you should definitely take a look at our courses. We run the courses with experienced experts who are leaders in their fields and have the ability to combine theory with practical applications.

Thermography – basic course

The thermal imaging camera is a fantastic tool for analyzing the building envelope of a property or for that matter finding uneven loads in e.g. a building. switchboards and machinery. Using a thermal imaging camera is easy, but getting a thermal image that shows what you are looking for is not so easy.


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Ventilation measurement law

Measuring airflows with an acceptable accuracy is not as easy as one might think. The course is divided into a morning session with basic ventilation theory and an afternoon session with practical measurement exercises performed on a training-adapted ventilation system.


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Airtightness test

Leaky buildings are a major problem in terms of energy and comfort. ByggaL and the ISO9972 standard now place requirements on builders and clients to ensure an airtight building envelope. Performing a tightness test is not that complicated and is an excellent way for a builder, for example, to quality assure his work.

Blower Door

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In addition to the courses on this page, we also offer these customized training courses:

Thermography – advanced course
Unique full-day course packed with in-depth, practical thermography. We use sophisticated house and floor models that illustrate common faults that you can detect with a thermal imaging camera.

Indoor climate – thermal comfort
A popular full-day course that provides basic knowledge about indoor environment, control measurements and regulations, and includes practical exercises to measure indoor climate.

For more information and bookings, contact Helén Andersson by emailing or calling 031-704 10 73.

Courses in cooperation with Approvus

As a complement to our training courses, through our close cooperation with Approvus, we can also offer courses for energy experts, energy auditors and functional controllers. Some of the lecturers used in Nordtec’s measurement courses can also be found in Approvus’ energy and indoor environment courses. Are you curious about these courses? Click on the links below to find out more.